Since moving back to Birmingham I've been such a loner! And I've actually enjoyed it!
As much as I'd love to still be living in Leeds, waking up hungover every Sunday morning to nothing but a half eaten packets of sensations and empty bottles of gin, it's something that I've taken a liking to. 

I knew that when I moved back going out and having a social life was going to be hard. I think most people will agree with me when I say that moving to uni does make it difficult to keep up relationships between the friends you went to school and sixth form with, especially when you add new friends and a whole lot of distance. It happens eventually and unintentionally but unfortunately it can be quite difficult to rebuild any bridges and reach out. 

So with that in mind, I've been doing a lot of things by myself to make sure I don't go completely insane!

I guess the whole lone wolf thing started when I decided I was going to back to Lisbon for the same festival I'd been to the previous two years. The girls would have loved to come, but with most of them being in relationships and working full time, priorities go to couples holidays. Thanks a lot you bloody cock suckers!

A lot of people thought it was weird that i'd be going by myself, but when you think about it thousands of people go travelling by themselves every year. And that's exactly what I was doing, just on a shorter basis. 

I booked myself into a hostel in Lisbon partly because I wanted to meet new people but mainly because I couldn't think of anything worse than carrying my luggage and my tent by myself. Silly but true. 
I met so many amazing people whilst I was there, and most of them were there by themselves too. All I had to do was walk up to the roof terrace with a cider and I'd be sorted.

I had an ace time but the only downside was that I wasn't able to tan my back as most of the time I had no one to put sun cream on it. #lonerlife. 

I've also been going to a lot of gigs by myself as well which is super cool, although every time I go I am the stupidly drunk girl dancing and singing by herself. 
Most of time time I've been able to keep myself from vomming and not leaving too early to actually stick around a chat the the bands I've seen, and they think it's awesome that I go there alone. I actually had a super embarrassing moment last week when I was chatting to the bassist of one of the bands and my shirt got stuck in the zip of my purse and wouldn't come out. Always the bloody victim!

It sounds weird but doing things by myself has made me a lot more confident and outgoing, and I'm not really arsed about what people think about me. 

Do what I want. When I want.

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